How to Choose the Right Pet Insurance

Most pet owners embrace their furry friends as full-fledged family members.
We are quick to spend money on quality pet food, comfy pet beds, and toys to entertain our dogs or cats. But, when it comes to pet insurance, the percentage of pet owners who invest is actually is quite low. According to the 2017-2018 American Pet Products Association's Pet Owners Survey, only 10% of dog owners and 5% of cat owners carry pet insurance policies.
"It's puzzling why we are a nation so in love with our pets, yet so slow to embrace the concept of pet insurance," says Kristen Lynch, Executive Director of the North American Pet Health Insurance Association (NAPHIA).
Our desire is to help families give their pets the best life possible. This often includes having insurance for those unexpected visits to the vet. Unlike human health insurance, you never have to worry if a provider is "in-network" with pet insurance because there are no networks.
When asked what the best pet insurance is, our position is that you just have to make a decision that is right for your family. However, the vast number of options can make pet insurance shopping a confusing and frustrating process. Our goal is to simply guide you in the right direction.
We are excited to share some great information from According to the New York Times, "Consumers Advocate, a company that rates a range of products, began sifting through the variables to rank pet insurers according to customer reviews, upfront deductions and whether they pay for a disease's continuing costs."
Consumer Advocate's conclusion is that coverage and benefit limits are the most important factors to consider when comparing pet insurance.
Consumer Advocates looked at reimbursement policies and coverage to help pet parents make informed decisions about pet insurance. They have put together a list of what they consider to be the 10 best pet insurance options of 2019.
Let Us Help
Many pet owners find that pet insurance eases the financial burden of veterinary care, thus reducing stress. If you decide to invest in pet insurance, we will work with you to leverage it and further our commitment to giving your pet the very best care. Please contact us for further information… we would love to help!