When Is It Time for Pet Hospice Care?

To further serve our patients, Bees Ferry Veterinary Hospital is pleased to announce the launch of our Hospice Care program.
It is common for pet owners to wonder when it is time for hospice care, whether it be to prepare for natural death or assistance from euthanasia. Here are some tips to guide you to an answer:
Look at old photos and videos: Think of how your pet looked and behaved prior to illness or aging. We recommend looking at photos or videos of your pet from before because changes are sometimes gradual and hard to recognize.
Monitor good and bad days: We recommend marking good and bad days on a calendar, and even distinguishing morning from evening when possible. If the bad days start to outweigh the good, it may be time to consider hospice care.
List 3-5 things your pet enjoys: Write a list of a few things that your pet likes to do. If your pet is no longer able to enjoy these things, it may be time to consider hospice.
While your veterinarian cannot make the decision for you, it is always wise to ask him or her for help.
Hospice Care at Bees Ferry
If it is determined that pet hospice care is right for your family, our team's goals are to improve the quality of life for your pet, enhance your bond and teach you ways to interpret your pet's signals that it may be time to say goodbye. Depending on your chosen package, your pet's hospice program may include:
Initial hospice exam in your home or in our office in West Ashley
Diagnostic and blood-work services
Assisted death (euthanasia) or unassisted death (natural death)
After death care
Learn more and contact us about hospice care on our page deciated to this important service.